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Earn College Credits within an Innovative Program

We provide degree pathways and the materials necessary for students to take college-level accredited exams offered by CLEP and DSST.

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Partnered with CLT

Achieve your goal of gaining your college degree

Our educational model that makes earning your degree affordable and convenient. We help prepare students to earn their college degree by taking college-level replacement tests which are offered through CLEP (College Level Examination Program) exams created by the College Board, and DSST (DANTES) exams. Our program includes:

  1. Online resources such as 1,000+ videos for classes and coursework, provided by and others.
  2. Traditional textbook materials
  3. Online student login with test breakdown and study guide
  4. Student advising
How it works

Get Quality Education with College For All

College For All gives students alternative pathways to earn transferable college Credit By Examination to obtain their degree. Imagine the savings that come from this method of earning credits. To learn more about how you can save thousands of dollars toward your degree, visit our What Does it Cost page.

What does it cost?
  • Trending Courses

  • Certified Advisors

  • College Degree

  • Online Course Materials

  • Free books & library

Success Stories From Our Students

10,000+ exams taken. 90% Student Exam Pass Rate.

Degree earned at nearly half the cost.

  • "I utilized this educational program and through the process known as credit through examination got my degree. This innovative way of learning allowed me to save money and get an accredited degree in business administration, while working a part time job. Today I am an assistant director at a Chick-fil-A store and am on my way to becoming a Chick-fil-A operator. I am thankful for the alternative path of college learning I took and strongly advise it for those that desire a college degree. By taking credit through examination I have the opportunity to achieve my goals and I am sure you will too."

    Sam Culbertson

  • “I have never regretted my decision to take this path with my undergraduate degree, and I know you won’t either.” Caroline Harris successfully obtained her undergraduate degree in Communications through following this innovative program of gaining college credit by examination as well as coursework. This enabled her to save money and in the end graduate debt-free. She is now working on her Master’s degree in Public Affairs at the University of Texas.

    Caroline Harris

  • "College For All is such an amazing opportunity for anyone and everyone who has a desire to learn. This unique program has personally allowed me to begin completing college courses as a freshman in high school. Through the program’s online, affordable, user-friendly platforms, I am currently on track to achieve my Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration at high school graduation! Join me and become part of the growing movement today!”

    Luke Thompson

Our program is designed with flexibility in mind

Our belief is that college truly should be available for all those that are willing to strive for it. Our mission is to make anyone's dream of getting a college or university degree into reality. Students have the freedom to work towards their accredited four-year degree while continuing to make their extracurricular goals come true. Key factors that went into designing our innovative program:

  • Minimizing the time often wasted in the traditional classroom environment
  • Time to gain life experience outside the classroom
  • Earn college credit in a way that maximizes learning
How it works

Watch College For All Video Tour

You may have noticed, education is changing! College For All has been preparing for the future and we are here for you. You do not have to put your education on hold.

Our goal is to make education work for everyone, from anywhere!

At College For All you can achieve your goal of gaining your college degree through our educational model that makes earning your degree affordable and convenient. We help prepare students to earn their college degree by taking college-level replacement tests which are offered through CLEP (College Level Examination Program) exams created by the College Board, and DSST (DANTES) exams. The American Council on Education (ACE) has accredited these examination programs and have determined a credit-granting score for each exam that constitutes the equivalent of passing a college-level course with a C grade level.

  • Exam Study Guidess

    Online access to all of the materials and resources that you'll need to pass your examination.
  • Complete Access

    Online resources such as 1,000+ videos for classes and coursework, provided by and others.
  • Complete Access

    Prepare for exams using multiple study materials that complement all different learning styles.

Go College For All Premium. Transform your life with distance education.

  • An innovative and affordable approach for students to gain their fully accredited bachelor's degree, students can go through college debt free.
  • Higher education is available to everyone with College For All. Academic advisement and instruction, study materials, library access, as well as accreditation and enrollment in the degree-issuing university, Thomas Edison State University.
  • all CLEPs and DSSTs exams are administered at either one of our onsite College For All locations or may be taken at another certified testing center.

Premium Monthly

For just $499 per month, you get:

  • Online Resources, 1,000+ videos for classes and coursework
  • Access to and other networks
  • Traditional textbook materials
  • High resolution videos
  • Student Login with breakdown and study guides
  • Uninterrupted Ad-Free Learning
  • Advisor Support
Learn More