Yes. While as an organization College For All is not accredited, we provide degree pathways and prepare our students to earn their fully-accredited bachelor’s degree through our partner university, Thomas Edison State University. College For All does not offer classwork that leads directly to college credit but instead provides the materials and guidance necessary for students to take college-level accredited exams offered by CLEP and DSST.
What degrees does College For All offer?
In order to make college affordable for all, College For All has looked at the most popular degrees and honed out eight degree areas that can be accessible for everyone. Our highest priority is degree completion for students, so we also assist students with prior credit from Community Colleges or elsewhere to complete and graduate with their four-year bachelor’s degree. Visit the Degree Programs page for an overview of the degrees offered at College For All.
What makes College For All different?
The innovative academic approach taken by College For All allows our students to graduate debt-free through utilizing credit by examination. Credit by examination is a means of earning college credit through taking standardized tests, this way of gaining credit also helps the student become fully immersed in the subject matter with our “one subject at a time” approach. Learn more about the College For All innovative method by visiting our How it Works page.
How are these exams able to grant college credit?
CLEP and DSST are standardized exams created for students to achieve college-level credits. The College Board and the American Council on Education have created what is known as CLEP (College Level Examination Program) and DSST (DANTES Subject Standardized Tests) exams. In fact, the institution that created the SAT and ACT tests also created CLEP exams.
How can I use these earned college credits?
Within the United States, there are approx. 5,000 colleges and universities and over half, 2,900, of them, accept CLEP exams as college credit and 1, 900 accept the DSST exams for college credit.
How many tests can I take within a month?
The College For All program is flexible and students can go through the study material at their own pace, however, the recommendation and study guide outline is based upon a per month testing schedule.
Does College For All have any internship options?
There are a couple of internship options students can choose from while in the College For All program, these include internships for students in the Computer Science or English degree programs. Please email [email protected]to get more details on these programs and how you may qualify.
What are the prerequisites to starting with College For All?
There are no prerequisites to starting College For All, these exams can be taken by anyone with a government-issued ID. As well, it depends upon the student’s ability for when they start the program, we recommend that students at age 14 and above, so they can begin in their senior year in our partner university at age 18+, after being accepted into the program.
What if I don’t pass an exam?
If you take your test and don’t receive a passing score you can retake it within 1 month with DSST exams and within 3 months with CLEP exams.
What is the community like at College For All and what is a Virtual Reality Campus?
The community within the College For All Virtual Reality campus allows you to interact with students from all different backgrounds and from around the world. The VR campus is an immersive computer-simulated environment that gives you the “sense of presence” within the VR campus. For example, students within the VR campus can participate in sporting activities, student clubs, and educational experiences.
How can I qualify for the Military (MRB) Program?
Students that qualify for the Military Recruit Benefits (MRB) program, have already enlisted with a recruiting office and are scheduled to go to an upcoming Boot Camp placement. The advantage of completing the MRB program is it allows students to enter their military service with an advanced paygrade and rank, read more here.
How long do these credits last?
Credits gained through CLEP and DSST will be stored for up to 20 years, and once you transfer these credits into a college or university the credits achieved will be solidified into your degree transcripts upon graduating.